Episode 6 – What Happens When Child Support is Not Enough? – Attorney Debra Smith
In the majority of cases, the child support order is generally not enough to cover the costs of the children and the household for the primary parent. Housing is one of the major costs in divorce and common sense needs to be used when it comes to exploring housing alternatives. The parent receiving child support needs to understand their costs for maintaining their home and the costs of daily living, like food, clothing and personal care. Attorney Debra Smith in Watertown, MA, offers suggestions that she uses in her practice to help clients cut costs and make choices based on their short and long-term goals. Your spending habits must be aligned with your goals, otherwise you may be left in a very difficult position after divorce.
If money is tight, there are only two ways to improve the situation: increase your income or reduce your expenses. Both of these pose a challenge during divorce, but being financially informed, will put you in a much better place both during and after the divorce.