Divorce Friday
Divorce Friday
Financial Impact of Alimony from the CDFA’s Perspective

EPISODE 4 – With Hosts Chris Chen and Diane Pappas

The Certified Divorce Financial Analyst is the only divorce professional, who has the expert knowledge and education to address the specific financial and tax issues of divorce. In our previous alimony podcasts, we have heard from several highly skilled family law attorneys on their perspective of the legal issues of alimony. We know that alimony is a legal issue, but it is one that has huge financial implications. When looking at support, we have a couple of questions, where are you now in terms of the financials, where will you be the day after divorce and where will you be 2, 5 and 10 years from now. If your case is an alimony case, then support plays a major role in these three questions. Tune in to find out what you need to know about the financial impacts of alimony.


Alimony, CDFA, Chris Chen, Diane Pappas CDFA CQS, divorce